Alejandra Gutty

Weekly Tango Training #2

$ 35,00

Group Classes Alejandra Gutty • Tango Coaching® | Weekly Tango Training #2

46:35' | ESP + ENG Sub. — Individual and couples. Unlimited access for 1 month.

Group Classes Alejandra Gutty • Tango Coaching® | Weekly Tango Training #2

We Study + We Practice = We Train.

LEARNING TO LEARN: The challenge of our times.

Muscle tone: using the full range, recognizing the spectrum of tensions.
Modifying our physicality also changes our sensations.


It’s AND not OR = it’s up AND down.
Which part goes up, and which part goes down?
Closeness can emerge from relaxing the shoulder girdle.


Depending on what I want to do, I can choose one position or another.
Shoulder girdle: different positions and muscle activation.

From the first impulse to the arrival: the journey.

Focus on the sensory experience.
How it looks and how it feels: through imagery and touch—two beautiful ways to learn.

Not everyone who wants to learn to dance well, wants to learn to dance well.
Building our own way of learning.

We use a beautiful and challenging sequence of  ‘sacadas’ as an example — featuring over-rotated pivots in both roles.

‘We do deliberate practice to master the task, not to finish it.’


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Weekly Tango Training #2

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