Alejandra Gutty

Weekly Tango Training #87

$ 35,00

Group Classes Alejandra Gutty • Tango Coaching® | Weekly Tango Training #87

49:41' | ESP + ENG Sub. — Individual and couples. Unlimited access for 1 month.

Group Classes Alejandra Gutty • Tango Coaching® | Weekly Tango Training #87

We Study + We Practice = We Train.

SPIRALS – Pivots and voleos

Dissociation of the shoulder girdle/torso.
A friendly, soft, and effective embrace.
Awakening the hands – unlocking the shoulder girdle.

From the inside out.

We don’t think of leading as something outward, but rather as something inward.
How do the torsos position themselves in relation to the other person? What would be the correct positioning for this sequence, with this body alignment?

Agree and open the game.
Effect and rebound: oppositions.

Oppositions in the shoulder girdle within the spirals of the voleo.
We work on the sensation of flexible tension—introducing the concept of internal oppositions: integrating, connecting, and opposing.

In pairs, we practice forward and backward voleo, finishing with a dynamic and fluid pivot exercise in a ‘linear turn’ sequence, both roles voleando beautifully at the same time.

‘We do deliberate practice to master the task, not to finish it.’


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Weekly Tango Training #87

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